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I grew up right here in down-east Maine, though I was raised by a family of North Carolina transplants, so things were both very Northern and Southern for me at the same time. I met my wife here at JAX, who saw this crazy guy with three great kids, and decided his mixed-up life was one she wanted to be a part of. We can’t currently have “real” pets so we have one very dramatic Beta fish named “Birdie” and more plants than we really should be allowed to have.
Oof. I am a collector. My Interests fall into five main categories: Pokémon, Star Wars, Marvel Superheroes, Halloween (spooky season is the best, and horror films are my fave!), and Dungeons and Dragons. I’m a big kid at heart and I have more toys and games than most actual children do. I’m also an avid reader of both books and comic books. I’m not much of a video-gamer, but if it’s a Pokémon game, count me in! My favorite Pokemon is Snorlax! I love watching good movies, especially with my family. I’ve been known to write a little bit, but I don’t do nearly as much anymore as I used to.
I’ve had a bunch of great people who have helped me make my way in life. I thank my grandmother (I called her ‘Nanee’) for giving me the foundation I live my life on. I have a lot of good friends here at the Lab as well and I could very safely say that I would not be where I am now without them.
It probably sounds like SUCH a cliché, but I love helping people. If I didn’t work at JAX I would still love to be in a job where I could help people in some capacity. As it is, I am a trainer, and I get to see people come in off the street, often not knowing a single thing about what we do here. I get to be a big part of the journey to wherever their career leads them as a part of our team. I help them get past the stressful, scary stuff that comes with starting in a new place, especially in a job as important as working with live research tools.
I like to think I’m a good listener, and that I am even better at responding to others in a meaningful way. I spent too many years of my life feeling like I wasn’t “good enough” for whatever was out there in the world. I learned that simply isn’t true, and that good things are out there for anyone who works hard and gets out of their own way! I try to help people see this as a part of their training here as well. At least, I hope that’s one of my accomplishments.
I think back to the year when the entire training team was recognized for their service to JAX during Employee Appreciation. I was very proud to stand up with the rest of our team and have our efforts recognized. As for haven’t done yet…? I am incredibly proud of the training program here at JAX. It is genuinely one of a kind and I want to go on helping to shape and perfect that program as it changes over the years.
I’ve tried to just tell people “I’m a trainer” and I’ve been greeted too many times with “So do you train the mice? What do you train them to do?” and I have to clarify that I’m in the business of helping people. I help people learn how to do their jobs at JAX. I help them learn how to care for one of our most valuable commodities: the tools researchers use to help find cures to diseases.
I am not a believer in astrology, but I am without a doubt a Libra through-and-through.